• Question: how will humans evolve?

    Asked by Rebecca to Arthur, Clare, Daniel, David, Tora on 18 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Clare Harding

      Clare Harding answered on 18 Nov 2014:

      That’s a great question!

      To be honest, we cant really know. The most dramatic changes in evolution are often caused by big environmental changes, so perhaps if the planet continues to get warmer we would start to get new adaptions to deal with heat like more sweat glands.

      But since we are so good at changing our environment to suit us, there is a chance our bodies wouldn’t change that much so it depends on what people would find attractive, people have been getting taller now for a while so perhaps greater height!

      But its very hard to know, what do you think would happen? One thing we can be quite sure of, X-men are pretty unlikely!

    • Photo: Arthur Dyer

      Arthur Dyer answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      Hopefully one of the first things we will do is evolve out our appendix as we don’t need it any more!
