• Question: How do you implode?

    Asked by Holly K to Arthur, Clare, Daniel, David, Tora on 19 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: David Wilson

      David Wilson answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      I’m not sure how you would get a human to implode…
      Very big stars do this when they reach the end of their lives. When they stop producing energy in their core, the huge gravity caused by their mass makes the star’s core collapse on itself very quickly- this is an implosion. The star then promptly explodes, making what we see as a supernova.

    • Photo: Clare Harding

      Clare Harding answered on 19 Nov 2014:

      Im not sure about implosion, but there are diseases which make your bones very fragile which means you can break bones very easily, but I guess that is more crumpling than imploding…
